Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use vinyl on DMX Base? and if so, how thick does it have to be?
We require a 5mm minimum thickness of click vinyl plank flooring when installing on DMX Base. If you use a thinner vinyl product we suggest the use of a 5/8″ plywood or OSB over DMX Base.
Do I need to install a foam underlayment on top of DMX Base before laying laminate or engineered hardwood floors?
DMX Base does not require a foam underlayment to be laid between it and the laminate/engineered hardwood floor. If a foam underlayment is laid on top of DMX Base it will void the warranty provided by DMX Membranes.
What is the compressive strength of DMX Base?
DMX Base has a compressive strength of 12,000 pounds per square foot or 83 pounds per square inch.
How is DMX Base different from DMX 1 Step 2.0
DMX Base does not have a foam layer on the positive side of the dimples. The dimple size and compression are the same.
Is DMX Base sold as a kit?
Yes, every roll of DMX Base comes with 10 DMX Easy Shims and 1 roll of Vapor Tape
Can DMX Easy Shims be used on DMX Base?
Yes, DMX Easy Shims can be used on DMX Base.
Is DMX Base VOC free?
Yes, DMX Base is VOC free tested to the California standard
Is DMX Base Waterproof?
Yes, DMX Base is 100% Waterproof
Contact us
Get in touch with us today if you have any questions about DMX Base. We’re always ready and willing to guide and provide our best advice!
1-855-501-7837 customerservice@dmxmembranes.com